The Love Of Murphy
Therapy Dog Murphy
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"G.I. Joe Murphy" - a Halloween treat for the residents!



Murph playing catch on a therapy visit...

     While Murphy may not have been cut out to be a leader dog for the blind, his incredible ability to instinctively "feel" what others were feeling coupled with his immense joy at giving love were ideal for being a therapy dog.  Murph was evaluated and certified (with flying colors!) by Theapy Dogs, Inc.  How proudly he wore his red heart shaped tag that said "I am a therapy dog" along with his red bandana with the saying..
"Changing Tears Into Smiles!
Help the Forgotton to Laugh"
     The number of people whose lives he touched are countless.  We would visit a local nursing home and Murph would lead me around to each resident's room, always knowing what was needed and leaving each room having touched yet one more heart with his love and helping so many to remember loving pets of their own from so long ago.  Murph would do anything to see a smile.  He was GI Joe Murph on Halloween and Santa Murph at Christmas, always wearing a silly grin along with his costumes.  Murph could also be quite a "ham" and loved nothing better than to show off his athletic ability.  His favorite game was to play catch with me and the residents with a large lightweight ball.  We would throw the ball to him and into the air he would leap to "snout" it right back - also great physical therapy for the residents!! 
     My special boy also visited local schools where we would spend time with handicapped and disabled children...again the miracles that Murphy brought about were amazing - kids laughing and smiling for the first time in months, children who rarely would move crawling to lay on top of Murph and stroke golden boy brought new meaning to the phrase "heart of gold".  With good reason I always said that he was my "angel on earth" - I believe he convinced many others of the same thing.
"Ohh, I believe there are angels among us,
Sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me, in our darkest hour,
To show us how to live,
To teach us how to give,
To guide us with the light of love."